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EkimogunMFB debit card is widely accepted on major ATMs, POS and other Retail Outlets in Nigeria.


  • Safe for transactions across multiple channels
  • Funds are safe in case of theft or loss of cards
  • Easy access to funds anywhere
  • Best for cashless transfers
  • Real time banking transactions
  • Can be used on various channels for local and international transactions

For lost, stolen cards and enquiries please
Call: +234 803 566 1184
Live Chat: on our website
Send Email to:

Click below for information on:

Instant Fund Transfer
Mobile Banking

Instant Fund Transfer


1. How do I open a Target Savings Account?
Ans: To open a Savings account, you need to fill out the account opening form, bring 2 recent passport-size photographs, utility bill and a valid means of identification along to EMFBank.

2. Who can operate a Target Saving Account?
Ans: Anybody above 18 years of age can operate the account.

3. Where can I open Target Savings Account?
Ans: You can open Savings Account at EMFBank office. Our Client Support Officers (CSO) will be glad to open one for you.

4. Do I need a guarantor to open a Target Savings Account?
Ans: No